NCC Ost, NürnbergMesse
Facts & Figures
- Name NCC Ost, NürnbergMesse
90471 Nuremberg - Category Fair, Congress & Meetings
- Website

The NCC Ost congress centre is like a precious solitaire. Since its opening in 2005, it has exercised a truly magnetic impact on congress organizers. This congress building sets new standards with its modern, naturally illuminated architecture with spacious galleries and an impressive glass roof that allows daylight to penetrate as far as the central atrium on the ground floor. Its open and communicative atmosphere creates excellent conditions for successful events: from car presentations and international marketing meetings to medical and pharmaceutical congresses.
Facts on the NCC Ost
- 18 rooms and halls on 4 levels
- Open galleries on all levels for exhibitions and catering in a communication-friendly atmosphere
- Sydney multifunction hall can be divided up for flexible use, e.g. for events, catering, or trade exhibitions
- Direct access to halls 4A and 7A