Dauphin Speed Event
Facts & Figures
- Name Dauphin Speed Event
Industriestraße 11
91217 Hersbruck - Size 590 m²
- Capacity 800 persons
- Category Museums & Exhibitions, Open Air
- Website https://www.dauphinspeedevent.de/

Dauphin Speed Event in Hersbruck hosts a high-profile private collection of vintage automobiles with more than 100 historic racing and sports cars as well as 150 motorcycles - ready for action and excellently restored.
In addition, the location offers excellent conditions for indoor and outdoor events of all kinds: A beautiful park with spacious gardens is just as much a part of the repertoire as an event hall and a unique motorcycle gallery.
Accessible at ground level.
Large event hall: 590 m²
Foyer: 132 m²
Cafeteria: 105 m²
Outdoor area: 9000 m²
Parking capacity: 300